Frank Sheppard of Feeding the Valley Food Bank, Preparing for the Long-Term Impacts of COVID-19
October 11, 2021
Feeding the Valley Food Bank President & CEO Frank Sheppard talks about the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on food insecurity and what you can do to help your community.
GDEcD's Amy Hudnall on Cybersecurity for Defense Contractors
October 11, 2021
Director of Aerospace for the GDEcD Amy Hudnall explains how the GDEcD is helping Georgia businesses secure new contracts with the DoD.
Larry Williams Discusses TAG & Helping Drive Innovation in Georgia
October 07, 2021
President & Chief Executive Officer of Technology Association of Georgia Larry Williams talks about the important role that technology plays in Georgia's economy and what it means to have a great business climate.
Jay Bailey of the H.J. Russell Innovation Center for Entrepreneurs, Empowering the the Underserved
October 06, 2021
President & CEO of H.J. Russell Innovation Center for Entrepreneurs Jay Bailey talks about the importance of empowering those that are less fortunate and the impact it will have on the state.
Ayal Latz on Customer Service at a2b Fulfillment
October 06, 2021
Ayal Latz, President of a2b Fulfillment, explains how outsourcing can help improve customer service efforts at your business.
Christopher Jones of Secure Records Solutions on the Advantages of Outsourcing
October 04, 2021
Christopher Jones, Chief Problem Solver for Secure Records Solutions, talks about the benefits of outsourcing and what you should consider when looking for outside help.
Sheridan Construction CEO Christy Kovac on the Upcoming Skills Challenge
October 01, 2021
President and CEO of Sheridan Construction Christy Kovac discusses their partnership with AGC Georgia to help promote construction careers in Georgia. She also gives details on the upcoming Skills Challenge that will be held at CGTC on October 28th.
Tina Folsom on the 93rd Anniversary of the Georgia Association for Women Lawyers
September 30, 2021
Representative at Large for the Georgia Association for Women Lawyers Tina Folsom talks about the mission of GAWL and celebrating their 93rd anniversary.
GDEcD's Nico Wijnberg on Georgia's International Connectivity
September 29, 2021
Director of International Relations at the Georgia Department of Economic Development Nico Wijnberg talks about recruiting international businesses to Georgia and the impact is has on communities across the state.
Jake Revell on Doing Business with the Georgia Farm Bureau
September 28, 2021
Georgia Farm Bureau Agent Jake Revell talks about what sets apart them from other companies and why you should consider doing business with GFB.
PSC Commissioner Tim Echols on Sustainability Challenges
September 27, 2021
Tim Echols, Vice Chair of the Georgia Public Service Commission, explains how the GPSC can help your business with sustainability issues.
Brenda Belcher with GeorgiaForward, Host Communities of the Young Gamechangers Program
September 24, 2021
Brenda Belcher, Managing Director with GeorgiaForward, talks about the Young Gamechangers Program and the process for choosing a host community.
Del Ross of Hotel Effectiveness on the Hotel Industry's Labor Shortage
September 23, 2021
Chief Revenue Officer for Hotel Effectiveness Del Ross talks about the current labor shortage Georgia's hotel industry is facing and what can be done to turn things around.
Kevin Perry on Health Initiatives at the Georgia Beverage Association
September 22, 2021
President & CEO of the Georgia Beverage Association Kevin Perry talks about teaming up with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation for the Balance Calories Initiative.
Chip Blalock on Why You Should Attend the Sunbelt Ag Expo
September 21, 2021
Executive Director of the Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition Chip Blalock talks about the upcoming Sunbelt Ag Expo and why you should consider attending the event. The Sunbelt Ag Expo is scheduled for Oct. 19-21, 2021 in Moultrie, GA.
Kyle Wingfield of the 30th Anniversary of the Georgia Public Policy Foundation
September 20, 2021
Georgia Public Policy Foundation President and CEO Kyle Wingfield talks about their four areas of focus and celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Georgia Public Policy Foundation.
Dr. Ruth Maher on the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at PCOM Georgia
September 15, 2021
Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy at PCOM Georgia Dr. Ruth Maher talks about the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program and the growth that Georgia is experiencing in the physical therapy field.
Terri Denison on the SBA's National Small Business Week 2021 Virtual Summit
September 13, 2021
Georgia District Director of the U.S. Small Business Administration Terri Denison gives full details on the upcoming National Small Business Week 2021 Virtual Summit that is scheduled for September 13th-15th.
Ayal Latz of a2b Fulfillment, Redundancy In Your Logistics Network
September 10, 2021
Ayal Latz, President of a2b Fulfillment, talks about the importance of having redundancy in your logistics network and why it has been more important than ever over this last year.
Mary Waters on the International Trade Division of the GDEcD
September 09, 2021
Deputy Commissioner for International Trade with the GDEcD Mary Waters discusses the International Trade division of the GDEcD and the resources they offer to businesses across the state.
Mark Jarboe on on Health Connect South's 8th Annual Event
September 08, 2021
Mark Jarboe with Health Connect South talks about the importance of advancing healthcare across the region. He also gives full details on Health Connect South's 8th Annual Gathering that is scheduled for September 23rd.
President of Sterling Seacrest Pritchard David Paddison on What Athletics Can Teach You
September 02, 2021
David Paddison of Sterling Seacrest Pritchard talks about the important role that sports play in creating great leaders in a business.
Larry Hanson of the Georgia Municipal Association Discusses their Convention
September 01, 2021
Larry Hanson, Executive Director of the Georgia Municipal Association, talks about their upcoming convention in Savannah and all the plans for the event.
Slayten Carter of Georgia Farm Bureau, The Root of Who We Are
September 01, 2021
Membership Acquisition Manager at Georgia Farm Bureau Slayten Carter talks about the mission of Georgia Farm Bureau and the benefits of being a GFB member.
Christopher Jones Discusses Cariend & Helping Healthcare Providers
August 31, 2021
CEO of Cariend Christopher Jones talks about the services they provide to healthcare providers that are need of a records custodian.