23% of Consumers Receive Marketing Emails from Companies They Never Subscribed To

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021

Small businesses use opt-in forms, specific landing pages, or purchase agreements to get explicit consent to send marketing emails to consumers, however, about one in four people (23%) receive emails from companies they never signed up for, according a new report from The Manifest, a how-to guide for small businesses.

Because marketing emails drive sales, support customer retention, and help businesses scale, small businesses are constantly exploring opportunities to grow their email contact list.

Different regions have implemented privacy laws to shield consumers from unwanted emails.

Small businesses should limit email lists to subscribers to avoid legal consequences and reduce unsubscribe rates.

Frequent Marketing Emails Increase Unsubscribe Rates

Most consumers (59%) say that the most common reason they unsubscribe from marketing emails is because they are too frequent.

For most people, the thought of fully clearing their email inbox is overwhelming — especially as many small businesses increase their email marketing efforts to stay connected with their customers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Because consumers filter through so many emails daily, it's important for small businesses to make sure they are only sending relevant information to their contact list.

Customer journey mapping can help businesses separate their email lists into client groups and send individualized emails.

Small businesses should be proactive and organize their email lists before customers unsubscribe because of the volume of emails they receive.

Spam Emails Push Consumers Away

More than one-third of consumers (36%) choose to opt out of emails that they consider to be spam or jump mail.

In addition to increased unsubscribe rates, small businesses also face permanent consequences when email recipients mark their messages as spam like limited sending ability and low deliverability scores.

Small businesses can follow a few best practices to ensure their emails aren't flagged as spam:

  • "Trigger words" such as "free" or "guarantee"

  • Email attachments

  • Embedded forms or videos

  • All-caps subject lines

Consumers also unsubscribe from marketing emails because of irrelevant content (38%), which can also be considered spam.

Small businesses that avoid these common mistakes and ensure their emails are going to the write audience will see increased success in email marketing campaigns.

The Manifest's 2021 Inbound Marketing Survey included 501 U.S. consumers that receive marketing emails.

Read the full report here: https://themanifest.com/inbound-marketing/email-campaign-optimization

For questions about the survey, comments on the findings, or an introduction to the sources included in the report, contact Shelby Jordan at [email protected].